Humanity, in its diversity, has created a vast menu of limitless cuisine. The intricacies of delicacies are as numerous and creative as the people they represent. And to cover up all those flavors, we have ketchup. Yes, the crayola-red, nickelodeon-sludge is used worldwide to disguise any indication of flavor with its comforting blanket of sweet muck. How did this Play-Doh style Gerber’s-baby-food stain on the condiment shelf become so ubiquitous? How did we bypass the public shame of using children’s food as the warm-blankie of mealtime? Join Mat and Veronique as we slap the glass bottle of truth, and cover the mystery meat in goopy layers of high-fructose scrutiny.

*Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble.

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