Humankind’s domination of the planet has created a population explosion. Unfortunately, the Earth only possesses limited resources. There’s a finite amount of water, a limited supply of oil, and only one Six Flags Magic Mountain. Which means for every human to receive their fair share of Blast Cyclone rides or stale churros, we have to form lines. Nobody likes waiting in line, but it’s the most equitable way to ensure everyone gets the Disney on Ice tickets they need. And everyone knows that the closer you are to the front of the line, the sooner they get what they want. So, clearly, the closer I stand to the person in front of me, the closer I am to the front of the line, right? Queue up with Mat and Veronique as we shove our carry-on luggage into the person in front of us for the proper etiquette of Line Bunching!

*Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble.


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