Guest Grumbler: Dr. Lori Labotka, Ph.D.

A plague is spreading across the land. Fortunately, we have the technology to stop it dead in its tracks. A face-covering device has been the go-to method for centuries. But these simple tools are blocking suburbanites from getting haircuts and brunch. Oppression or compassion? Anthropologist Lori Labotka joins Mat & Veronique to cover her mouth with a microphone of truth.

*Dr. Labotka’s grumble was massively edited for time (and comedy), but she brought up some very good points on important topics, so we’ve included a brief breakdown of some of what she said:

“I recognize it is super weird to wear masks. I want to go back to normal as much as everyone running out to Brunch. I get it, I have a toddler! I would love to go back to normal but we are in a global Pandemic.  A few show notes:

Research shows that if a majority of people were to wear a mask the virus would be better under control. Masks will not cure the virus but they will help lessen the spread.

Indoor dining is very risky here is why:

A consumer is only in the restaurant for maybe an hour or hour and a half. They are socially distanced from others eating but the server interacts with everyone in their section. The customer is putting the server at risk. If that service worker becomes infected and happens to be asymptotic or is showing little to no symptoms at first then they can spread the virus to everyone in the restaurant. The chefs and cooks, the bartender, the managers, the support staff such as busers, runners & then finally the customers.  I don’t mean to scare you but again indoor dining is very risky!!!

Servers and others in the food service industry usually do not have health insurance.

Outdoor dining is also risky but because you are outside it is less of a risk. If you are doing outdoor activities and you are socially distancing, masks are not as important; but if you are going ANYWHERE indoors you MUST wear a mask.

Our country is built on a foundation of oppression. The corona virus is really laying that bare. 

We know that people of color and disenfranchised people are being impacted by this virus at a disproportionate rate.

If you believe you are not racist or anti-racist, then you need to wear a mask! If you believe you value other peoples’ lives you should wear a mask.

Surprisingly, I am not for mask mandates ONLY for reasons of enforcement. Making a mask mandate will only hurt poor and disenfranchised communities. 

A lot of white-privileged people don’t understand this because if they get a ticket they can pay it right away. To the people who do not have the means to pay, it then becomes a criminal offense, which can entangle them in the criminal justice system. There are states where not wearing a mask is a misdemeanor offense; there are fines in place if you don’t wear a mask. A $50 ticket doesn’t mean the same to a person who makes $100,000 a year than to a person living paycheck to paycheck. 

If you want to know how to be anti-racist in this moment, if you support Black Lives Matter, if you want to be a white ally… Wear a mask.  

I have been to a number of Black Lives Matter protests and I have to say everyone was wearing a mask. Maybe one or two people were not but that is out of 1,000 to 2,000 people wearing masks. Research indicates the protests have not contributed to the spread.  I am not surprised at all by this because these protests are happening outside and people are wearing masks.  Masks work!”

*Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble.

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