Life relies on certain elemental replenishments. There is Oxygen – tasteless, odorless, monotonous air. There is water – which we’ve all but replaced with Caramel Mochas or Mountain Dew. And then there is food. Food is such a rich world of abundant creations. Food is an art form – it is an identity – it is the traditions that are passed down through generations. From my Grandmother’s famous rhubarb pie to my mother’s handy Hamburger Helper, food is the artistic mosaic of all our heritage blended into a Kraft casserole of love. And now, with the internet as our guide, we can explore other peoples’ recipes. Taste other histories and heritages. Experience other peoples’ grocery endeavors and memories of cats eating the filling out of the pie that hadn’t cooled yet. Feel the difficulties they had with the blender that was supposed to have an extended warranty, but when they brought it to the store the clerk was slightly rude, so they wanted to make this stew to cheer themselves up but the potatoes have to be mashed by hand. Finding recipes online these days has transformed into wading through mundane journals of mental health exercises. Join Mat, Veronique, and Guest – Mark Jackson – as we L’eggo our ego, and separate the egg-white from the joke that is – Online Recipes.

*Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble.

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